hybrid objects [future fibers] studio brief

-experiment with knotting and knitting balloons

hybrid objects [future fibers] was a studio offered through Industrial Design at RMIT University led by Deanne Koelmeyer.

hybrid objects [future fibers] focused on the possibilities offered by textiles to lead, inform and challenge ways of approaching design. The course introduced students to traditional craft based techniques as well as current textile manufacturing processes. Students undertook research into a broad array of designers, artists and manufacturers critically examining the disciplinary cross‐overs.

hybrid objects [future fibers] aimed to challenge our assumptions and conceptions of textile application. Scale and application were challenged and exploited, the idea of ‘object, structure, function and experience’ were central challenges. The students were encouraged to experiment with traditional and non‐traditional fibers and materials in conventional and unconventional applications. Students were encouraged to consider sustainable fibers, examining contrasts and possible contradictions in application and intent.